3. Nouns

Nouns are words that are used to name people, places, animals, things and ideas.

Nouns are of different types such as common noun, proper noun, concrete noun, abstract noun, material noun, compound noun and collective noun.

Common Noun

Common nouns are those nouns that refer to a generic item, group or place. They are not used to identify specific people, places or objects. Common nouns are not capitalized unless they appear at the beginning of a sentence.

Examples of common nouns used in sentences:

1. I bought a pen yesterday. (Common object)

2. I am going to school. (Common place)

3. John was representing his country in the Olympics. (Common place)

4. The car is out of fuel. (Common items)

5. Arun is good at sports. (Common group)

Proper Noun

Proper nouns are those nouns that are used to give specific name to a person, place or thing. Proper nouns are always capitalized.

Examples of proper nouns used in sentences:

1. My name is Rose. (Name of a person)

2. This is my dog, Bruno. (Name of a pet)

3. David came back from Minsk. (Name of a place)

4. Louis Philippe is a famous brand of men’s clothing. (Name of a brand)

5. India won the cricket world cup in 2011. (Name of a country)

Concrete Noun

Concrete noun is a noun that can be identified or perceived through one of the five senses (taste, touch, sight, smell or hearing).

Examples of concrete nouns used in sentences:

1. Please, pass me those chips.

2. What is that noise?

3. The building is quite tall.

4. This perfume is quite good.

5. Pizza is the best Italian cuisine.

Abstract Noun

Abstract noun is a noun that cannot be perceived through one of the five senses (taste, touch, sight, smell or hearing).

Examples of abstract nouns used in sentences:

1. She is going for higher education.

2. They laughed at my idea.

3. He tried to control his anger.

4. Veer Savarkar fought for the freedom of our country.

5. Mother’s love for her child is selfless.

Material Noun

Material noun refers to a material or substance from which things are made.

Examples of material nouns used in sentences:

1. The ring is made of gold and diamond.

2. Plastic bat is light in weight.

3. Calcium is necessary for strong bones.

4. Some manufacturers use brass to make vessels.

5. Copper coins were replaced by currency notes.

Compound Noun

A noun made up of two or more words is called compound noun.

Examples of compound nouns used in sentences:

1. The coffee mug is on the table.

2. The lake was shining under the full moon.

3. The dining table is broken.

4. His daughter-in-law lives in London.

5. Children love Ferris wheel ride.

Collective Noun

Collective noun is a noun that is used to refer to an entire group of people, animal or things.

Examples of collective nouns:

a collectionof stamps
a mobof people
a familyof members
a flockof birds
a gangof robbers
a herdof cattle
a leagueof nations
a pileof books
a rangeof mountains
a regimentof soldiers
a swarmof bees
a constellationof stars
a panelof experts
an audienceof listeners
a bunchof crooks
a pairof socks
a lockof hair
a tuftof grass
a fleetof ships/planes
a packof wolves
a teamof players
a prideof lion

There are four types of nouns based on gender – masculine, feminine, common and neuter.

Masculine Gender Noun

Masculine gender nouns refer to males.

Examples: king, husband, brother, father, boy, wizard, nephew, priest, landlord

Feminine Gender Noun

Feminine gender nouns refer to females.

Examples: queen, wife, sister, mother, girl, witch, niece, priestess, landlady

Common Gender Noun

Common gender nouns either refer to males or females.

Examples: doctor, singer, spouse, poet, nurse, flight attendant, musician, employee, patient, parent

Neuter Gender Noun

Neuter gender nouns refer to things that are neither male nor female. Normally nouns referring to lifeless objects are of neuter gender.

Examples: table, chair, school, bus, building, road, bicycle

Examples of masculine and feminine nouns:


Countable Noun

Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted. They can be singular or plural, and can be used with numbers.

Examples: a computer – many computers, a tooth – many teeth, one phone – three phones

Uncountable Noun

Uncountable nouns are nouns that cannot be counted or used in plural form. They cannot be used with a, an, or numbers. They are always used with singular verbs.

Examples of uncountable nouns used in sentences:

1. That water isn’t clean enough to drink.

2. My money has disappeared.