
  1. an egoist (noun) – selfish person | स्वार्थी
  2. an egotist (noun) – a person who is boastful to the point of being obnoxious | conceited | अहंकारी
  3. to boast (verb) – to talk with excessive pride about one’s achievements, possessions or abilities | बढाया मारणे
  4. obnoxious (adjective) – extremely unpleasant | अप्रिय | नावडता 
  5. an altruist (noun) – a person who likes to help others | परोपकारी
  6. an introvert (noun) – a person who thinks a lot to himself & prefers solitude over companions | मितभाषी | कमी बोलणारा
  7. solitude (noun) – the state or situation of being alone | loneliness | एकटेपणा
  8. a companion (noun) – a person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time | partner | associate | सोबती
  9. an extrovert (noun) – a person who enjoys company & gets along with people really well | बोलका
  10. to inhibit (verb) – to restrict | रोखणे | थांबवणे
  11. inhibition (noun) – a feeling that makes one self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way, shyness | संकोच
  12. cynical (adjective) – one who is skeptical of people’s sincerity or their motives | suspicious | संशयी
  13. skeptical (adjective) – not easily convinced | having doubts or reservations
  14. a misogynist (noun) – one who holds a strong dislike or prejudice against women | स्त्रीविरोधी
  15. to pretend (verb) – behave such a way that something appears to be true when in fact it is not | आव आणणे | ढोंग करणे
  16. prejudice (noun) – preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience | preconception | preconceived notion | prejudgment | पुर्वाग्रह
  17. an ascetic (noun) – a person who believes in simple living and harsh discipline | one who does not pursue earthly pleasures | तपस्वी
  18. austerity (noun) – severity of manners or harsh discipline | तपस्या
  19. to pursue (verb) – to follow or chase something | पाठपुरावा करणे
  20. pleasure (noun) – a feeling of happiness, satisfaction or enjoyment | joy | delight | आनंद